The Benefits of Solar Bollards and Solar Security Lights for Your Home



Solar Lighting Designs


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Solar Lighting Designs


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Solar Lighting Designs stock a wide range of commercial solar lights for private and commercial use. Apart from the operational and installation cost savings when comparing solar lights to mains powered lighting alternatives, our range of lighting also offers aesthetic and security benefits for our residential and commercial customers.


The aesthetic ambient lighting provided by solar bollards is the perfect addition to heighten any home garden. With simple installation, high quality manufacturing that ensures the products withstand the elements and no ongoing operation costs, all our commercial solar bollards offer our customers hassle free lighting solutions. Additionally, our solar bollards and solar floodlights can be used to illuminate pathways leading to homes, minimising the risk of accidents at night.


While there are obvious aesthetic and safety benefits to outdoor commercial solar lights, as well as economic benefits when compared to AC powered lighting alternatives, a readily overlooked benefit is one of home security. Significant study has gone into the effects of residential and street lighting on criminal behaviour, and results have shown that robbery is significantly reduced through increased ambient lighting around the home. “The assumed anonymity from darkness promotes moral transgressions; darkness also impairs vision and hence reduces the ability to detect an approaching robber and subsequently identify them” (Fotios, Robbins and Farrall, 2021). Due to this, solar lighting bollards and solar floodlights have the benefit of acting as solar security lights, deterring criminals from breaking into your property.


To learn more about solar bollard lights, solar floodlights, or any other of the solar lights that we sell in Australia, visit the products online or give us a call at 1300 76 52 65.

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